Diamond Education
At Adam Foster, we built strong partnerships with trusted diamond vendors to provide our
clients with access to the finest diamonds at the best values.
Although every diamond is unique, all diamonds share certain features that allow for comparison and evaluation. These features are called the “4Cs”: Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat Weight.
The GIA developed the 4Cs, as well as the International Diamond Grading System. Every GIA grading report accompanying a diamond contains information

Cut refers to the facets, symmetry, and reflective qualities of a diamond The cut of a diamond is related to its overall sparkle and beauty.
Diamond color refers to the natural color or lack of color visible within a diamond. The color grade assigned is based on the GIA grading scale which determines the amount of yellow or grey hues visible within a diamond.

Clarity is determined by the visibility of natural microscopic inclusions and imperfections within a diamond.

Carat measures the overall weight of a diamond, which impacts its visual size. Different diamond shapes hold their carat weight differently.


Let us help you pick your diamond.
Come by our showroom and let us show you our selection.